4 Crossdressing Secrets To Feeling More Feminine

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So you are going to go out and dress like a woman, but you still feel like a man. How do you overcome this? I have some great tips that you can use.

Remember to have a night time routine. Night time is when you feel most confident. Have a quick bath and shower to get your blood flowing. Then you can dress the next day.

If you love to crossdress, remember to have some fun. Try different hairstyles, tattoos, and strange ass things. Being different will make you feel brave. Also it will make you feel sexy.

Try to look for clothing that is plus sized. The larger Plus sizes fit better. Try to get clothing that has shoulder to waist combinations.

Do not give up on the makeup, it is a sure bet that your crossdresser noticed you without makeup. Have some fun with it. Make shadows, scars, birthmarks, and freckles. Make sure you get something wet that can hold a curl.

Try not to stand on your wedding bed after the wedding. Getting back on the bed after the shower is a definite no no. If you are not willing to do this, you should not have gotten a dress in the first place.

Keep the necklace and earrings in your hair when you go out. This way, they will stay clean and fresh.

If you plan on wearing a thick wig, try not to tug on it when it is wet. Instead, tie a cord loosely around it. This way it will soak up the water and not slip off.

Instead of using a comb, use a brush that has boar bristles. These brushes are harder and stronger, and you will be able to brush it better.

Have a huge mirror in the room where you will be doing your makeup. This will give you a better view of your face.

A lipstick and lip liner should be done right after you get out of the shower. Apply a little foundation on your lips first. Then apply your lip liner.

Wear your hair back so that it can dry thoroughly. Using your blow dryer on hair that is wet can cause it to frizz and not dry correctly.

Lynn gave me the wrong notion. You want to look glamorous, not scary. She said that you curl your eyelashes before you put on mascara, but I think she just intended to say that you brush your eyebrows before you apply brown.

Rather than touching your face when you are finished applying makeup, wait for a couple of minutes before you massage your face. Then use a good body cream or lotion to remove all the makeup.

A clay mask will help remove the dead skin on your face. Be careful to use the right temperature. Not hot will burn you.

A moisturizing mask is easier to apply than a homemade one. You just have to dampen your face and then apply the mask. Then leave it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

If you do not want to buy a homemade mask, you can get one from the health store. But you will not get the same great results that you can buy in the store.

A homemade remedy for dry hair is a mixture of one egg, one teaspoon of vinegar and one cup of water. Use it as a rinse 2 times a week.

For oily hair, use mayonnaise instead of an olive oil. Put the tablespoon of mayonnaise in your hand and rub it on your oily hair. Rinse it out when you are done. You will get shining results.

For dry hair, you can use apple cider vinegar, one cup of water and one cup of vinegar. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray on your dry hair. Let it dry for a couple of minutes and then rinse it out.

You can make a homemade hair tonic to cure dried out hair. Mix one cup of distilled water and one cup of herbal shampoo. Pour the solution on your dry hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it out.

For taking care of colored hair, you can rinse your hair with sour milk. Rinse it out after you wash your hair.

You can use dipped cotton balls in baking soda to remove the stains from your hair.

You can also make a tomato juice wash. Squeeze a fresh tomato and mix it with a tablespoon of shampoo. Use the solution to wash your hair.

You can also make a shampoo using baking soda and castor oil. Squeeze a fresh tomato and mix it with castor oil. Let the mixture sit on your hair for 20 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly.

You can also apply olive oil on your scalp to nourish your hair follicles.

When you have time, let your hair dry naturally.

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4 Crossdressing Secrets To Feeling More Feminine
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