A Closer Look At Your Nails And Health

Most people never really bother to look at their nails that closely: some would just settle on painting them over with vibrant colors, then maybe adding jewels and such. As you read the title of this article, you may be wondering what your nails have to do with your health, when all they do is grow longer in each passing day. However, if you take a careful look at your nails, you may notice slight variations in appearance: a rosy shade here, a little bit of white there, or maybe some bumps and rippling in the surface. These may look nothing much to you-everyone has his or her own imperfections, even in the pettiest facets such as the nails-but they actually provide a lot of helpful clues about your health and well-being to the trained, professional eye. Some warning signs about your present health condition can only be seen under a microscope: a fungus on your nails, a curveiflower infection, or cheekbones and lips, or actually a lot of little bumps and lines right over your nail. But if you take a close look at your nails, you’ll be able to tell you’re suffering from a few health conditions, and you’ll even have a fairly good idea about what brought them on in the first place.

Even though a lack of certain nutrients may be what started your nail problem, it may also be a symptom of something bigger-a nutritional deficiency. Most people are slowly starving themselves of the vitamins and minerals needed for good health: nail fungus is a great example of this. If you feel like your nails are too fragile or too weak to grab attention as a symptom of something bigger than your nails, you can start by adding a few bone structure vitamins and minerals to your daily diet. Vitamin A and calcium are both excellent for healthy nails, and if you can’t get enough of either one of them in your diet, try adding a calcium supplement to your other vitamins and supplements. If you can’t get either of them as a supplement, you might want to consider increasing your intake of sweet potatoes, which are full of Vitamin A and contain much calcium.

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Fungus is a natural progression of the body’s natural growth processes: just as nails grow from a point, the area where the nail root grows will also become infected. If your toenails are too short or too broad, the inflammation of the nail base (chyma) will cause your nails to turn thicker or darker. And if your nails are thick or hard, you may be prone to breaking or chipping. Sometimes, the slight inflammation of the nails can indicate a mild case of toenail fungus.

If you’ve never had toenail fungus before, you’re probably wondering how it is that you and hundreds of other natural consumers feel as if the nail has progressed into a separate zone, as if it has acquired characteristics and had a purpose of its own. So here are a few theories:

1. Our genes. Certain people, through naturally acquired traits, including their parents, are more likely to have excessive or troubled nail growth.2. Gel and/or acrylic products that weren’t designed to specifically protect your nails from fungus.3. Unhygienic nail practices such as not washing your hands regularly or properly trimming your nails.4. Poor diet, perhaps lack of bulky, healthy pieces of furniture in the room where you trim and shape your nails.5. Perhaps you indoor grow medicinal plants in your room. The succulent leaves of these plants may be employed as a cleanser and deodorant.

Nail fungus may be difficult to completely get rid of. If you pay close attention to your nails, you’ll be able to tell if you have nail fungus: the area around your nails will be scaly or it will be thickened.

There are certain kinds of nail fungus that require oral medications rather than topical ones. However, once you have destroyed the fungus in the first place, you can kill it with topical ointments.

A nail spa can take many shapes. A typical one has a pool for the pedicure, a dressing room, a massage room, and a room for nail care.Keeping the nails looking neat is one of the main purposes of going to a nail spa But maintaining the nails is always a concern.

Many nail technicians recommend filing the nails in one direction only and practicing the step too many times before taking a bath or going swimming. This is especially true if your toes are quite fond of grime. Also you should avoid going into the same room when the environment contains a lot of dust, grit or debris.

It’s possible to avoid most nail problems by filing the nails in only one direction. But the down side of this is harder to reach.

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A Closer Look At Your Nails And Health
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