A Guide To Hypoallergenic Makeup

selective focus photo of Valentino fragrance bottle

If you suffer from sensitive skin, or if you prefer to use products that are designed to be gentle on your skin, hypoallergenic makeup may be right for you. The term “hypoallergenic” means that the makeup has been specifically formulated to not cause an allergic reaction. It does not mean that it will not cause a reaction, only that it will cause a lessening of the reaction. There are many conditions that can cause a reaction to makeup. These include scars, broken capillaries, moles, and of course, skin irritants. If you have any of the conditions listed above, you may use hypoallergenic makeup.


For those who have sensitive skin, makeup can be especially stressful. Containers, bronzers, and other types of finishing powders can irritate the skin, causing the break out. Mineral makeup is naturally lightweight, so it will not add extra pressure around the eyes.

Waterproof Makeup

Waterproof makeup is excellent for campers or people who spend a lot of time in the water. It is also ideal for people who have sweaty hands, and want to look clean and comfortable. There is a certainwow with waterproof makeup, that looks like it is water proof, but is actually sheer.

Stick Foundations

Foundationsdos not contain oils, and are water resistant. They are easy to apply, and can be blended so that they look natural. It is common for stick foundations to include talc, clay or bismuth minerals. Whatever you choose, make sure you can apply it with good results. Unlike cream foundations, stick foundations provide a heavier coverage. It helps to look as natural as possible.


First of all, make sure the makeup is completely removed before going to bed. worst case it is also very important to completely dry the makeup off. There are sleeping hazards with foundation stains that could be avoided by removing makeup before bed.

Other Important Things

Additionally, be sure to remove eye makeup. Use a gentle makeup remover like warm water and soap. With a warm washcloth, take a scrubbing motion and gently rub the eyes to remove them from the face. Never use just soap. It can be too harsh. Try using a facial scrub slightly harsher than soap. Rinse face cleanly with lukewarm water and dry completely.

If shaving the eyebrows, be sure to shave in the direction of their growth. The back and forth scrapping motion can damage the skin and upset the skin balance. Also by shaving in the same direction, you may cause ingrown hairs.

Artificial Powders and Teeth Whiteners

Most makeup contains these dull ingredients. Less time and less money is spent on these products, and most people are unaware of the harm they can do to the teeth and gums. Some of the duller ingredients found in artificial powders and teeth whiteners include: Aluminum, Can overboard, GrapefruitProcessed Oil, Carmines, Coffee Imidazolidinyl Urea, Diazolidinyl Urea andorphanol. These chemicals are only put into the formulas to make the products more marketable. They are there primarily to add a pleasant scent. Besides they will never harm you. If you purchase some form of powder you should be able to see it and feel it in your mouth. Some products don’t’ because they are not listed on the label.

So how did I go about finding a powder that works? Well, I did a little bit of research before I went out to purchase any. I made sure to research the ingredients. One thing I found out is that there is a lot of variation of these ingredients. Also I looked into purchasing it through a distributor that was recommended to me. That was a mistake.

I wanted to share with you some of the things I learned about choosing natural mineral makeup. cynics might think this information is too technical for most people. I wanted to show you how the choice to use natural can be as simple as taking a few minutes to do your research.rolling my eyes


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A Guide To Hypoallergenic Makeup
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