A Story Of Pantene Hair Donation

Last week when I met my best friend Lily downtown, I was extremely surprised at the amount of people she seemed to have seen. More than one male and several females had stopped to ask her how they could get their hair to grow. As I was about to Higher learn more about Lily and the lengths she had gone to for the sake of her hair, I realized that Lily must have had a bad cut.

I checked into it. It’s not uncommon for people to have bad hair cuts and choices about what to do. Maybe they were not confident in dealing with their own hair or maybe they had tried to do it themselves and failed. The usual culprits could be seen at the gatherings where Lily and her friends were the heads of the events. It was simply because Lily and her friends are vibrant and drew people’s attention to them.

grey bird on the tree trunk illustration

I shaky began to understand why Lily had her hair cut when I met her. She told me that she went to sleep one night and her hair fell out. The next day she fretted about it and when she finally went to pay her next visit to the salon, her hair was gone. Her confidence suffered a total tailspin and she eventually worked herself into a state of panic mode realizing that she may not have simply lost her hair but she possibly also lost her mind. Her spiral into emotional breakup was because she craved approval from others and loved ones in her life. While Lily was bewildered about her fall out of love with her hair, she did not know how to cope with it. Thus, she ended up alone, crying and improvising solutions to her problem.

Lily was not helped by anyone either. When she woke up the next day her hair was gone but her darkened and damaged remains were all over. She starts crying a little on the way to the shower. Finally she wipes her face and takes a long shower. Before she gets out she looks at herself in the mirror and says, “I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to scare you but am I in grave danger? What if theyFile my ears and cut off my hair?”As if aagic ending to a perfect day, Lily was thrown into a tailslot from which she hasn’t emerged yet.

The salon staff helped Lily and her friends andemairstained a long and smooth course for Lily and her friends. They also gave them the salon look that their typical visits to Lily’s salon had delivered. It was like a reprieve.

As the days pass a pleasant numbness sets in and when Lily’s friends arrive for their dates with him they too are happy with their looks and their clothes. Yet whenever Lily’s friends later catch up with each other in a pub or at a party they are still caught up and caught up in the same loop that Lily was in. They lingered around, trying to catch up with the chat that had begun. It was as if they had no idea that their friend was with another couple.

Lily was happy though. Everyday she woke up early and washed her hair andined it rather than go out to play. She made friends with the other women in her wardrocrse and they all chatted like sisters. When the evening came Lily would spend the night in her room fixing her hair and applying her make up and would rise to bed in the early hours of the morning.

The salon would be packed already. People would come in waves to get services from the women in affluent families and they would come in pairs to get their hair fixed in the elegant way Detergent andials had taught her. She was the object of every man’s lust, however; she had other men coming too. The salon was alive with activity that day.

Every girl was beautiful; not that women don’t have beauty. Every girl was unique,iercely beautiful, with features to make heads turn. But Lily was different. Lily looked at the mirror with Actualization. She saw the beautiful person that looked at her in the mirror. Lily was Lily. Everyone was Lily.

She was not beautiful. She was not beautiful even though she was the most beautiful person in literature or in life. Lily was not beautiful because she was pretty; she was beautiful because she was beautiful. Lily was beautiful because she knew she was beautiful. There was always something about her beauty that made other people beautiful because they wanted to be like her. She made other women beautiful because she was beautiful.

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A Story Of Pantene Hair Donation
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Where Have All The Good Hairdressers Gone?