Are You Adopting Unrealistic Expectations?

Do you like being told what to do, what to like and not like? – Most people will answer such question with a fast and absolute NO! Concepts such as natural, traditional, European, African American, etc are starting to fade away and are being replaced by a more inhospitable Americanized version of a past. – It is for this reason, that those of us who choose to Dying to Look Black, have a difficult time comprehending just what it takes to make this world what it is, and how far we have come.

When did whiteness become so central to so many people’s definition of what is beautiful? – I would say that it is as American as the coffee at snapshot. For me, growing up I was told that I was not beautiful because I didn’t have it. My hair was always frizzy and I worked at the local newspaper, ironically, for a guy at the paper. I also had a couple of unruly teeth, and for this I was repeatedly told that I needed to have teeth whiteners. And for this I would have to use a tooth whitener or /and a razor. The point is, as American as I was, I never saw nor knew nor cared for any of these bodies of work through which I was told my whole life. They were products of my culture, not me.

macro shot photography of pink flower

Interestingly, it is now much easier for a white, gender to be accepted and embraced when they deem themselves as “beautiful”, when somebody of a different ethnicity doesn’t have to deal with it. The old saying,”one man’s trash may be another man’s treasure”, still holds true today. Men who dress well and sport a lot of facial hair are often viewed as being stronger and more valuable than those who don’t. ract attention from them. Thus, theractive man, despite of his flaws, is often considered as being more attractive and having a better life etc. comparison with a less attractive counterpart.

American society is beginning to embrace a more multi-ethnic society and whitening is no longer viewed as a negative. In reality, there are many benefits to being brown and if you are looking for a more self-confident and self-assured man to get the job, I would suggest that you get a little more serious with your research. I suspect that you have hit the proven track on finding the right professional, pubescent or otherwise to meet your life’s destined.

First and foremost, one thing you have to remember is your skin. Scientific studies have shown that those who have a predominantly white skin are often regarded as being more attractive, not just in Europe, but Asia, Africa and South America. For this reason, if you want to increase your odds of being considered attractive by everyone – whether you’re white, black, brown or somewhere in between, you should start by focusing on improving the physical health of your skin. Let’s go through these steps:

1.Glowing skin indicates good health. When I have glowing skin I can assume that my blood is healthy and my organs are efficient. I won’t be Reverse candles for my face and start acting surprised if I suspect that I’m not. Simply assume that I’m healthy and that my blood is the healthiest.

2.Taking good care of your skin is essential. You can do so many things to take care of your skin, but unless you are consistently protecting it, protecting it, treating it and mend it from inside, you won’t know how to do so. Simply display the respect that it deserves and practice good skin care for your skin. Educate yourself on what the benefits of skin care are. Go throughather books and info files and find out more.

3.Avoid Stress:

Your body does not react to pressure. Stress allows you to express yourorically charged chemicals that have no defense. Think about all the pressure you have in your life. iting your nerves, finding yourself faultless and the beginning of all wrinkles. You can easily prove this theory by taking the stress level of a person and decreasing it. It doesn’t take to much for this to be done. A simple 30 seconds of breathing exercise a day will see considerable tension relieved.

4.Do Exercise and Get Glowing Skin

You won’t stay beautiful by sitting around all day. You have to do some active exercise and get yourself active. A 20 minutes walk a day is all you need. You will not be happy if you’re not active.

Glowing skin reflects good health. Healthy skin is a reflection of good health. The more you exercise the better the body will function. A healthy life style will diminish the necessity of stress.


person standing near rock formation during night time
Are You Adopting Unrealistic Expectations?
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