Color And The Benefits Of Wearing Perfume

When you smell, you experience it and it emanates through the air. It’s invigorating and it just makes you smell a little better; someday, I hope I’ll have the kind of genetics that I so often admire. My greatest pleasure is when I smell and I get an instant comfort response, even if it is only for a while. My favorite perfume reminds me of another time and place; it reminds me of simpler times and that’s always a good thing.

Threading my way through the sea of aromas, I finally came to the end of my search. It was at this point, that I began to realize that there was no such thing as universal perfume. If I only knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have cared as much for perfume. It would have saved me a lot of time and trouble.


The real goal, I realized, not only to smell good, but to find something that made me feel different. Because perfume was something that I knew nothing about, apart from the fact that my mom and sister liked it. I had no such relationship with any perfume when I was younger; my sister and I wore different ones at different times. But now, I began to know about exactly what I needed to wear.

I began to seek out other women who wore perfume and ask them if they knew what I was looking for. These days, I am very shy to talk to people about this, but the more I talked to these individuals, the more I began to feel that I was not alone. Every scent has its own unique flavor; some were fruity and others spicy. I began to realize that I wasn’t alone in my quest. Everyone was busy like me in finding this perfume.

The more I thought about it, the more impressions you form about the scent. Did you know that some scents are only recognized after you die? Can you remember the last time you smelled a certain perfume? After all, these were only the memories that we had of the past. But if we waited long enough, we would never guess if the perfume was really there or not.

The next day, I went back online to look at websites that sold these designer perfumes.uch outlet seemed to be having a similar problem as me; they were all sold out. I was about to give up, when a friend pointed me in the direction of the website. There, on the second page, was a perfume that just reached me. The name wascalled “Issey Miyake.”

I experimented with this perfume and wanted to know if the others had the same fragrance. I wanted to know if I enjoyed the scent. To me, any perfume that had the phrase, “Fresharin” was an excellent choice. I also enjoyed the description, “The scent of a Innocent heart.”

With the conditioner, I tried to see if the scent changed. I put it on a pulse point and noticed two things. The first was that the scent smelled exactly like how I knew it would scent. The second thing was that I felt an immediate Tight when I put it on.

I set the conditioner on and began to rub it on my skin. The feeling was almost exhilarating. I rubbed it on my neck, wrists, arms rubbed it on, everywhere! I then noticed another thing, the color of the skin changing. It started turning a light yellow color.

I flushed and turned even more red. All I could do was laugh and feel the heat on my face. All the while, the perfume was still on my skin.

All throughout the day, the perfume was growing in stronger and then it just stopped.

I left the perfume section of the store and went to the loading area. The sales associate was trying to figure out what to do next. She mentioned that she did not know what to do because she had not seen this happen before.

She walked me to the back and asked a customer to take her coat. She was so sorry for the situation. I told her that I just wanted to touch up a few things.

When I got to my car, I started working on my hair. Actually, it was too late to start touching up, but I wanted to be able to smell the result. I put some of the musk back on my hair and decided to try it on my face.

I put it on my wrist, cheeks, under the jaw line, on the chest. It felt clean, sweet and natural. I looked in the mirror and saw my glow. The compliments stopped as soon as I got to know what it felt like to have musk in my skin.

I went back to the mall to pick up my things and I felt good in my own skin. It made me feel good about myself. The musk made me feel fabulous.

woman in brown knit sweater standing near bare trees during daytime
Color And The Benefits Of Wearing Perfume
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