Do I Need To Change My Makeup When I Change My Hair Color?

When you change your hair color, there are quite a few things that affect how you should maintain your makeup. Colors that were once your natural color may be too dark or too light, or they may be dramatically different than your new color. These are things that you should keep in mind. Whether your hair color is lighter or darker than your natural color, you will need to change the colors of your makeup accordingly.

Dark or Dark Hair

green and brown mountain beside sea during daytime

If your hair is dark, you should lighten it with a lighter shade. If it is light, you should darken it with a darker shade. This is true for both men and women. Men should go with a lighter shade for working around their gray hair and vice versa. Women should go with a darker shade for around their eyebrows, and a lighter shade for their hair.

Liner around the eyes

If you are going long, you should avoid lining the inside of your eyes, and just stick to lining the outside of your eyes. This helps you to keep a darker look to your eyes. Instead, stick with a single color that is close to your natural color. For instance, if you were born with brown eyes, you would want to go with something that was close to brown, or possibly purple.

Eye shadows

Do not use exactly the same colors when you are applying different eye shadows.When you change your hair color, often you will need to change the eye shadows that you use. If you use a dark color, then change to a different color like purple or even green. When you change your hair color, you should also consider changing the colors of your eye shadows. If you were going to use a dark color, then you should stick with a lighter shade. Playing around with the colors of your eye shadows is fun, but it is important to stick with your more natural colors.

What Colors to Use for Eye Shadow

When you are deciding on the right colors to use for your eye shadow, you want to think about your eye color and skin tone. This will help you choose the right colors that are going to create the proper look. For instance, if you are going to be wearing green eye shadow, then do not think you need the same shade of green to complement your green eyes. While you may like the look that you get with green eyes, you may just not look good with the shade of green that you have been using. Try to seek out a shade that is in line with your natural eye color.

The idea that women should match the eye shadow they wear with their natural eye colors is not meant as a rule of thumb. Instead, it is simply because every eye color is gorgeous, and every eye color looks fantastic when applied properly. If you happen to have green eyes, then you may find that you are really good at matching green eye shadow colors.

If you are not sure what eye shadow colors look good on you, and you aren’t sure what eye shadow shades will look good on you, then you can’t go wrong if you follow these tips. Remember that there are many different shades of eye shadow that will look fantastic on you.

The main thing to remember about the eye shadow colors you have at home is that they should be carefully chosen. They should be chosen from colors that look good with your natural eye color. When you look at a color that is a little darker or lighter than your natural color, you will know whether it is going to be the right shade of eye shadow for you.

When you are choosing a new shade of eye shadow, it does not hurt to take the sunlight into consideration. Yes, the colors you are choosing are going to be with you all day, so they should look good all day. Know that if you are having to spend an hour in the sunlight to get a perfect look, then you will need to change your makeup.

It is also important to consider the season when you are choosing colors. You may find that colors that work well in the summer look terrible in the winter. It is best to choose a color that looks good regardless of the season.

When you are choosing a new shade of eye shadow, test it on the inside of your wrist, where the skin tone is significantly darker than the color. That is going to give you a good idea of what colors to expect to look gorgeous with your eye shadow.


You also want to blend the colors together. Take the dark color, and put it on the lightest color. Make sure that the colors are blended well. The objective is for the colors to look seamless.

Application Tips

When you are applying different eye shadow colors, never apply each color separately. The colors should be placed together in a way that makes sense. The colors can be applied together in a way that looks logical.

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Do I Need To Change My Makeup When I Change My Hair Color?
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