Do You Need An Organic Moisturizer?

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Moisturizing is one of the most important things you can do for your skin in order to keep it moist and dewy. Dry skin equals aged skin; plain and simple. If you want your skin to have a youthful appearance you must use moisturizing products. But can you use an organic moisturizer?

Many moisturizers on the market today are organic in nature, but are full of chemicals. Some of these chemicals found in moisturizers include fragrances, mineral oil, dioxanes, alcohol and many others. These are unnecessary and can cause a variety of problems with the skin. In addition, many natural moisturizers contain harsh detergents and preservatives that can dry out the skin even more.

It is important to read the ingredients on all moisturizers and organic natural ones are best to choose. On the label you will find long lists of ingredients and you will want to know what the ingredients are and what their purpose is. I often find that the organic moisturizers contain preservatives and other chemicals that are unnecessary. Grape seed oil for example, can be found in many moisturizers. Grape seed extract is also best for nourishing the skin and yet fragrances it. Some other preservatives that are found in moisturizers that are not organic are parabens, mineral oils and petroleum by products.

It is important to read all the ingredients on the label before you buy a product. Don’t trust the packaging and make sure you research the ingredients. Here are just a few ingredients to look for on the label:

Aloe Vera Gel:This is a natural ingredient that moisturizes and restores the skin’s natural acid mantle.

Manuka Honey:Is obtained from the nectar gathered from the flowers of the manuka shrub. It is well known for its antibacterial, antioxidant and healing properties.

Babassu:A light weight extract from the sweet almond fruit. It enhances the absorption of other ingredients.

Hydroxy Acids:Derived from sugar cane. Hydroxide is a strong acid and used as a exfoliant. It can be harsh to the skin.

Potassium Sorbate:Is a natural scrubbing agent.

Prospering Oil from Seaweed:Is obtained from the oily parts of the seed. It’s used to cleanse and soften the skin.

Algae Extract:Is obtained from algae. It has natural antiseptic and anti fungal properties.

Florocane:Is a flower that has beautiful red flowers. It has excellent exfoliating properties.

Grapefruit Extract:Is rich in vitalizing oils. It revitalizes the skin and enlarges cell tissue.

Orange Peel Powder:Is a natural astringent and cleanser.

Rose Hydrosol Extract:Is a natural astringent and cleanser. It may irritate the skin if applied directly.

Sodium Palmate:Is an astringent used in products. It prevents irritation of the skin if applied as it is a natural soap.

Barley Grass Seed Extract:Helps the skin to retain moisture.

Citric Acid Phosphate:It is a natural enzyme used in making products. It is a detergent and used to relax the skin.

Glycerin:It is a natural emollient.

Stearic Acid:It is oil from animal fat.

Ceteareth:It is an oil from the cow’s ear used to make the products more supple and lubricated.

Cocoa Butter:It is a natural cocoa butter which conditions the skin and is a moisturizer.

Glycerin:It prevents the skin from drying out by absorbing excess oil and is a great humectant. Humectants draw moisture to the skin.

Honey Extract:It is a natural humectant found in the skins of animals and bees. Beeswax is wax that is collected from honey harvested from the hives of honeybees.

PEG42:It is a synthetic ceramic that is generally used in making soaps. PEG42 is titanium dioxide powder which is sometimes used as a primary ingredient. It is a meteoric mixture of color and esters and sulfates. It has acquired a reputation of its own and should not be confused with soaps that are 100% natural and/or organic.

The levels of some of these ingredients in a soap will depend on which type of soap you buy. Some of the organic soaps you buy will have very little or no preservative at all and if preservatives are included then it may be very little. It doesn’t mean that the soap is organic. It just means that the manufacturer believes it is.

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Do You Need An Organic Moisturizer?
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