Do You Need To Change Your Makeup Once In A While?

Changing your makeup is not a life changing event. You may think it is, but it really isn’t. If you get that attractive, fresh look you see on the models in the magazines, on the TV or by watching certain movies and not matter how much you love it, it will not change. Here’s the problem. You see, there is more to getting that look than just having a good brush or light foundation. See, the makeup industry is not only concerned with your face. You, as a consumer, have a say in what you will sell. They want to sell you a certain look. They less concerned about selling you the facts that say otherwise.

– What’s your buy rate? They’re not going to give you unless you buy it.

woman in black long sleeve shirt

– Do you want to try the new colors? Some makeup artists only work with certain colors on you. Just like fashion.

– How’s your hair looking today? If you hair is shoulder length, you may be going for a facelift.

– Have you changed the color of your lipstick?

– Don’t assume that because you don’t have wrinkles, you’re notaying.

You may not love, or identify with, the images they project. But the reality is, a lot of us will never be movie stars or fashion models. We just want to look like we can. The rest, not so much. We really don’t want anyone to know we are wearing makeup. The biggest perk to this is that we’re not alone. There is a group of makeup artists behind you. They are ready to answer your makeup questions. Your makeup artist is there to help you find the right look for you, and now you can too.

· For models, changing faces is a big deal. If a makeup artist can get you to change your look for a shoot, they can get you to change it again if you need it. This is why a makeup artist is a great resource.

· For actors, camera tricks are the ultimate weapon. Makeup is an actor’s best friend. Always want to look like you just got back from the beach.

· For anybody who is going to be standing there for any length of time, make sure you have the best weapon, which is a beautiful face. Remove all your worry lines with a good makeup artist.

· If you don’t like your current look, a makeup artist can change it for you. This is called changing your look.

· You don’t have to just look like a model. Think outside the box. Ask for a makeover.

· A makeover can fix a lot of problems, which is a good thing.

· If you don’t feel like you are ready for a whole new look, a makeup artist can work with you to make you look like a superstar.

· If you don’t think you have what it takes to be a model, a makeup artist can evaluate your skill set and find a style that fits you.

· You know you have done something wrong. Whether it’s by getting a little too much makeup or getting too little, a good makeup artist can find the right look for you.

· You have gained a bit of weight or your breasts have grown a bit. Does that mean your look is done? Forget about it. A good artist can help you lift your breast and fill out your stomach.

· You have a special feature. There is always something that you just don’t have on your face, legs or arms. If you want to know how to fix it, let the makeup artist know.

· You have always been told you look good with short hair. Actually, it may be inadvisable to keep short hair forever. Once the hair grows back, it may not look good on you. A good stylist can give you the best advice on whether or not you’d look good with short hair, because different looks look better with different lengths and textures of hair.

· You think Jennifer Aniston is hot. She always has a gorgeous complexion and can carry off short prom dresses like a fashion model. Can you believe that hypoallergenic shampoo can make your hair look like Jennifer Aniston’s? A good stylist can get hair extensions, false eyelashes, and other tricks to contour and enhance your looks, so you can look like one of those famous celebrities.

· You have had a baby. Suddenly you look like a teen mom. But you may wonder how come your hair keeps falling out? A baby’s rapid weight gain and growth can change a woman’s look. Unfortunately, rapid weight gain sometimes leads to more weight gain. Ask a doctor if this is okay for you.

· You have a low sperm count.

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Do You Need To Change Your Makeup Once In A While?
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