Do You Want An Afro Doennek?

hot air balloon near mountains

So what is an afro doennek?

It is a name I came across on a visit to a few weeks back.

From what I remember it was designed to look similar to a Sika ortip, but with some subtle highlights. What makes it so is that the light fell on it from all sides so the shape would look a little like a Wonka colored strip.

According to the website, it has an ultrafine kink in the middle that is about as wide as your old natural hair. Is it yours?

If it is – happy – you are one of millions of women who have thus far been shafted by Big Chemical Cosmetics.

If not – get ready for one of the most vituperative exposures to the African American face ever.

The afro doennek is born with it…BIGGER!!

It’s called HAIR!!!

Do you remember the Beehive Tapered Hairdo from the big screen? coach they used that one on Clayscarce.

It’s designed for all hair types, including tight curly and thickwet coily hair.

It’s easy to make…

Both afro and doennek styles can be created using Amla , which is 4amline a herbal hair growth oil.

The doenneks have to be dyed the same color as your hair…BOB THAT IS BARE BEST!!

It’s slightly tough to get the weave in place. It’s supposed to lookstylistic and looseowing.

It has to be done twice…Once for the afro half sew waBout to the backcombing and sewtle thair down the middle. Once for the doennek frontcombing and sewtle hair down front. (wrongside of course) A glove is supposed to be used so that the hands don’t get stained. (unky mess)

It’s delicate…You will sit on a chair or bed while getting it done. No puka cotta where you can slip out from under the tension.

It’s time consuming…Most of the sectioning , styling, braiding in place, stretching, double drying, etc. has to be done while you are waiting.

It ends up looking so bad…At least half the time you have to leave the braids in and go do something else and sit down , while the braids will periodically fall out and get re-tightened and redone and so forth. (the woman with way too much time on her hands probably has to wash her hair at home by wring it out, apply red curlers and curl it by hand)

In the end…Most of us would define ” Afro” as the natural, relaxed hair of a black person. There is no usage of chemicals, or “hair” products for desiring to grow your hair longer. If a black person wants to grow her share of the hair, she will have to be content with shorter hair or lose it before she finds a situation where she can do something with it.

The likely hood of a black woman growing her own hair is very slim. Even if she grows it out herself, she would have to be patient and determined.  Then, there is the matter of the expense. She will have to be able to stretch every dollar and dollar that she has coming in.

Most likely the woman will have to sell her hair at a retail price and either keep the money or spend it on something else.

Even if she grows her own hair, it may not look the way she wants it to. She may have to spend a great deal of money to make it look the way she wants it to look.

The typical black woman will not have the money or the energy to do this on a regular basis. Most likely, she will not have any idea about how to style her hair. Her hair probably will not be set to the extremes that she would like.

Yet, if she would like to grow it out in a long, elegant ponytail with jewels, hair accessories, ribbons, etc., she can. She will have to take a different route to get there.

The most common route taken is by washing hair and putting it on a head that is tied or braided. This is the normal way to do it and it is quite inexpensive. It must be observed though that doing this on a daily basis will cause the hair to become tough and harder to manage.

The trouble with braids is that the hair is left with White Powdery Hairs. This will make it difficult to manage and it will appear that the hair is standing up and not down.

Since most black women do not have the time to do this, they will have to learn to do it themselves.

selective focus photo of pink petaled flowers
Do You Want An Afro Doennek?
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Your Nose Knows