Every Day Indulgences That Won’t Add 5 Pounds To Your Hips

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When thinking of indulging, many people automatically think of food. When tempted to eat a Twinkyl or diet Sugar, our stomach tricked us into thinking we are going to enjoy that sweet taste inside a chocolate bar. Yet, that same processed food we enjoy on a dessert menu contains an ingredient that could be delivering strong carcinogens to our bodies.

If you are a persons who enjoys a Twinkyl or diet Sugar, the question you need to ask yourself is, “Are there any other way I can achieve the same benefits,” or words to the effect. For many Twinkyl’s and diet Sugar connoisseurs out there, there is a simple answer that will suffice. If you want to achieve that dipped pinkhair on your head that is always a sure sign of good health, you can purchase a nutritional supplement that has two important ingredients; multi-vitamins and silk.

multi-vitamins contain all the nutrients your body needs to grow hair, especially hair in the scalp. Silk is also an important component in promoting scalp health. If you don’t get enough shut eye in the evening, your hair will show you need plenty of sleep. Did you know that a full 8 hours of sleep is necessary in order to keep your hair the healthiest? Therefore, if you aren’t getting enough sleep, your hair will show it.

Even if you are getting enough sleep, it does not necessarily mean that your hair will be thick and wavy. That’s why multi-vitamins are important. If you can’t get the vitamins through your diet, multi-vitamins can help to supplement those vitamins.

Hair vitamins are composed of B vitamins, biotin, and iron. B-group vitamins are responsible for your hair’s color and shine. Iron is responsible for fast growth of your hair. Healthy hair is actually strong hair. opinions may vary on how much iron is good for the hair, but most agree that a little bit does increase your hair’s strength and shine.

If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your hair will show it. illustrated below is a sleep chart that will be helpful to you when your hair is weak.

Chart shows that the average person’s hair grows about a half an inch every month. If you’ve had a bad night of bad hair days, the next morning your hair probably looks even worse. So, what can you do about a bad hair growth cycle?

The first step to taking care of your hair is a good trim. This will remove the split end and damage that a bad cut can do to your hair. Some people will swear by washing their hair daily, but many people believe this is a bad practice. The simple truth is that if you are shampooing your hair more than every other day, you are damaging it. Daily washing is okay to soothe your scalp and all you need is a good shampoo. Actually, I believe it’s a good idea to shampoo your hair every other day. So, that saves time and money.

Once your hair is clean and there are no more split ends, you may want to consider using a silk scarf to wrap your hair. Silk scarves are very lightweight. Silk allows your hair to fall into place. If the hair is wet, it bunches up around the hair scarf. Does this sound familiar? It’s OK to use cotton scarves or silk scarves because they don’t leave any holes.

This next tip is a do it yourself guide to getting long hair. Healthy hair is the main attraction of long hair. Hair care is an acquired skill, like taking a fine art. Different strokes of the brush add different strokes of beauty. Hair care depends on the person. Some people take it to extremes. Here are some suggestions to help you get started.

A trim will get rid of the split ends. Look for a loose, easy to manage hairstyle. If you must have your hair long, you might consider a professional cut. It will give you a new look.

If you don’t like your look, you can always change your look. Getting a great stylist and getting a quality cut/color will change your look.

Try an easy to maintain hairstyle. If you are short, a great hairstyle is short and messy. If you are tall, a great style is long and maybe dos a little tie.

A great hairstyle shows confidence. A short, carefree hair style says: I’m easygoing. I’m easy to manage. I don’t worry about what I look like when out of shape.

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Every Day Indulgences That Won’t Add 5 Pounds To Your Hips
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