Hair Shampoo, Anti-Frizz & Other Tips

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Shampoo and conditioner are two of the basic personal care products for the hair. They definitely get the job done. But, do they really do the job? Read on to check some skeptical things about hair shampoo.

1. It cleans the hair but it can damage the scalp. It makes the hair look well and “normally” so that it is easy to comb and style. But, it can damage the scalp if the shampoo contains perm, right shampoo at the wrong time and other things. The scalp is the area we tend to check every time we brush our hair. The worst thing that can happen is an itchy scalp. Scalp is easy to get hurt when you apply a lot of shampoo on it.

2. It makes the hair dry. This is one of the common tips for brittle and dry hair. Once it gets damaged from constant washing, the it will be even more susceptible to breakage. Make sure you use shampoo that’s mild and avoid those that are too strong.

3. Avoiding strong styling whenever possible. The best way to prevent your hair from damage is to avoid certain styles.kinky hair like Afro, Cornrows, ponytails and scrunchies.3. Don’t shampoo too often. limit every 3-4 weeks. This will avoid the build-up of shampoo.

4. Never use metal or aluminum clips on wet hair. They are very rough on the hair and can cause trauma. They are mostly used on healthy hair to avoid breakage and split ends5. Don’t blow dry your hair when it is wet. The reason why is because blow drying when wet can cause the hair to break and even cause it to dry out more, but if you really want to blow dry,use a diffuser so your hair won’t get too dry.

6. Combing wet hair is a big no-no. This is a big NO-NO if you have fine or thinning hair. This will just cause your hair to break.7. Please DO NOT comb your hair when it is dirty. The reason is because when you comb your hair when it is dirty, you will start brushing and breaking those delicate edges. If you want to de-tangle your hair, you should use a wide-tooth comb.

8. Eating healthy foods provide all the nutrients your hair needs to grow. Eating foods that are high in proteins, vitamins and minerals are loaded with advantages. Hair is made of protein so we need lots of protein to grow healthy hair.

9. Drinking plenty of water is also important as this helps with growing your hair. If you doubt this, try your own urine. Swallower down your own urine 2 or 3 times a day.10. You want to avoid chemicals like hair spray, pony volts, and permanents. They are hard on your hair and can lead to Worldwide200ication.

11. Getting trims is in your control, if you do get trims, do not get them too quick. Get a trim every 6-8 weeks and ALL ends must be touched up on in between.

12.berries – blueberries, blackberries, kidney beans and pecans are all great foods to grow hair.

13. AvoidONE generic drug ad seen everywhere. This one drug alone contains bismuth,aldehyde and cholorine. These ingredients are INGREDIENTS ARE NOT HAZARDOUS!

14. Consume ample of H2O. Makes your hair, skin and nails look and feel better.

15. Eat foods that are naturally fiber, i.e. fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. This will extend growth period.

16. Hard water H2O is like brushing your teeth with sandpaper. It just doesn’t seem to absorb.

17. Use protective creams when exposed to heat. You can purchase them at your local drug store.

18. Do not brush chemically treated, damaged or dry hair. This will cause breakage.

19. Use a silk scarf to prevent split ends.

20. Split ends causes frizzy hair and breaks hair. Use frangipani or other natural hair products

21. Use a herbal oil. Eucalyptus oil is used to prevent frizz.

22. Avoid styling appliances and deep conditioning treatments on a daily bases. How ever much heat can be used. It will limit split ends and allow you to grow longer.

23. Use ionic technology with your hair. It helps to re-grow hair and prevents split ends, you can also use it on colored hair.

24. Dandruff is a SPEWING of dead skin on the scalp. It looks like flakes of dried skin. Dandruff can be aignless and sometimes itchy and/or itchy.

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Hair Shampoo, Anti-Frizz & Other Tips
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