How To Apply The Perfect Base For Your Makeup

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Applying the perfect base for your makeup is the key to achieving a flawless face. The base, also known as foundation, sets the precedent for the rest of your makeup. Perfectly lined eyes, bold lashes and defined cheeks with a touch of color would be nothing if the base is substandard. The best thing to understand is that you need good skin to look great with a makeup. So how do you get it? The following steps would surely guide you the way.

CleansingThe skin is exposed to dust, dirt and other particles that can cause an itching sensation. A gentle cleanser is ideal to remove such impurities without causing too much irritation to the skin. Facial cleansers come in the form of creams or lotions. Try to find one that is hypoallergenic.

MoisturizingIt is always important to moisturize your skin before applying makeup. The moisturizer ensures that your skin stays hydrated while the makeup aids in making it look better and brighter. It is also ideal to apply something immediately after cleansing. This is because the skin is more likely to absorb the makeup, if the moisturizer is not applied first.

EmulsionIf you are having a hard time choosing an Emulsion, remember that all natural cosmetics are the best. They are mostlylict with a greasy feeling and are thick. You cannot just slather them on and forget about it. The best approach is to find out if it is the right Emulsion for you.

ConcealerOnce concealer is in place, it is used to camouflage under eye circles, eye bags and anything else that needs camouflaging. Remember that concealer should be applied to the areas of concern. It is of utmost importance to make sure that it is applied on both the dry and the oily parts of the face to avoid causing a look-a-like of multiple circles.

FoundationChoosing a Foundation that is of the right color is important, as the color can be seen as on the skin itself. Pick a shade that is close to the natural skin color and apply it with light strokes. You can dab it on with your fingers, however, it is easier to use a damp sponge or even a brush to ensure that you will cover all the areas in concern.

PowderAs with the foundation, it is important to choose a powder that perfectly matches the skin tone. Select one that is from a reputable brand and spread it between the two points on the face. You may even choose to apply it on the area that is concealed, if you feel that it is important to conceal certain parts of the face.

Eye makeupAll of the eyes makeup should be in keeping with the theme of the facial. This means that eyeliner should be thin and as natural as possible. Avoid those eyelash-consuming bright eyes, and instead focus on the eye makeup.

Nail artWhile the nails are certainly not going to undergo any major changes, the art of nail art is definitely going to evolve. Think natural and tasteful, as simplicity is extremely important. Basic colors are going to be the most popular, but going for designs that are monochromatic or intricate will certainly make you stand out from the crowd.

TeethThere are no boring professional teeth whitening methods, so the appearance of these will be limited to the professional clinic and at some salon. Stencils are an excellent alternative for those who are not looking for a full whitening procedure, and simple colors are also great for those who are trying to eliminate stains from eating and drinking.

coatsOf course, covering up the imperfections of the skin is not only limited to the face. The entire body is seen quite often and it is essential to think about how appropriate the clothing should be in regard to the complexion.

There are quite a few options when it comes to the body. Mostly, the black clothes are seen quite often, but there are enough that are bright and bold.animal prints, skull masks and gem stones are a few of the options that are popular.

RingsThere are rings that are used in order tostimulate blood flow. It is needed to have at least one piece of jewelry that is visible so that the other ones can draw attention. White gemstones are perfect for this.

woman in brown long-sleeved top standing beside wall
How To Apply The Perfect Base For Your Makeup
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