How To Get Rid Of Dandruff And Get Healthy Hair

Don’t know how to get rid of dandruff? Although the underlying causes of dandruff have yet to be identified by scientists, some headway has been made in identifying ways in which the condition can be kept in check. So, how can you get rid of dandruff, and potentially get healthy hair?

I’ve been fighting with the problem of dandruff for quite a while now. And after almost twelve years, I have yet to win the battle.

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I have all but given up on the possibility of ever totally getting rid of dandruff. But, as it is now, all I can do is what is already being done in most homes across America and the UK.

Here are what I do have some control over:

*ither my nor my hair shed very much*I keep my hair very straight and dry*I use no conditioner or shampoo*When I wash my hair, I only wash with lukewarm water

Of course, none of these measures will quite work if you are not going to prevent the problem from happening in the first place. So, what is the most effective way to keep from dandruff dissipating in your hair?

Well, honey is a great remedy for dandruff. It has been used for centuries, and is one of the easiest ways to keep your scalp free from the bacteria and conditioners that can cause buildups.

Make sure that you use only organic honey. The natural variety may not be safe for use on the skin. Also, be sure to use organic honey on your hair, scalp, and beard. It is not safe to use any type of beeswax or honey mixed with petroleum jelly, since these ingredients can be toxic to the body.

The following recipe is an easy way to create a remedy for dandruff using honey. Just keep in mind that you will need to be able to get a 2 cup block of honey.

Combine 2 cups of honey with 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt in a food processor until it comes out as a fine paste. Then you can apply it to your scalp like a medicine and leave it on for just 2 hours. Rinse thoroughly!

The following recipe is also very easy to create a remedy for dandruff using honey. It’s ingredients include one egg white, 2 tablespoons of clean water, and a quarter cup of oatmeal.

Begin by mixing the egg white and water with a wooden spoon. Add the oatmeal in the food processor; you can also add a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda to the mixture. Blend the mixture as you always would in a food processor, and then add the one cup of honey. Increase the temperature of the fire a little bit, and mix the ingredients well.

Stir the mixture constantly for 2 hours. You will begin to see the strands of hair coming apart from the base. Do not rinse the mixture off, and do not use shampoo. Simply leave it on your head for two hours.

The next step towards the creation of your homemade dandruff treatment mixture is to add the lemon juice. Lemon juice is very effective in combating dandruff.

Begin by mixing the lemon juice and oatmeal in a bowl. Then increase the heat a little bit and mix the ingredients well. It is best to use a deep yellow color.

Allow the mixture to cool slightly. It will thicken and Mud slough off the dead skin cells. For best results, let the concoction sit on your scalp for one hour.

After one hour, slop the concoction on your scalp. Take your time in doing this. It will slough off the dead skin cells, and detox the scalp!

Next, wrap the hair with a plastic bag. I always do this beforehand before I go into a shower for quick and easy clean up. Shake the concoction off after one hour. Rinse the bag and you’re ready to go!

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How To Get Rid Of Dandruff And Get Healthy Hair
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