Is Your Cosmetic Surgeon Certified By The American Board Of Plastic Surgery?

woman in white and black camouflage hoodie lying on green grass

Recent events and ongoing horror-stories about the risks of plastic surgery remind us that it is important to make sure our surgeon is certified to practice by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). After all, any doctor is allowed by law to call him or herself a plastic surgeon, but only the ABPS is capable of certifying that a doctor is a plastic surgeon.

But how, exactly, does the ABPS certify its doctors? This article is a brief analysis of the standards that the ABPS uses to determine which candidates are worthy of certification.


We’ll now consider the prerequisites for certification. These are the minimum standards that the ABPS believes a surgeon must meet in order to be certified. Obviously, a doctor who meets the minimum standard cannot be certified, but the ABPS has a rather different definition of what it means for a certified doctor to meet the tougher requirements. Doctors who are certified by the ABPS are those who:

Both sets of prerequisites explain the steps that need to be taken to be certified, and each covers different phases of the certification process.

Step 1:


Any surgeon who meets the basic prerequisites must be certified by the ABPS. However, to be really effective in their job, doctors trained to assess the degree of disproofing and proofing must also meet the tougher criterion. Certification is based on the doctor’s skills in specific area of reconstructive surgery.

Step 2:

Knowledge, training and experience

To be certified, doctors must have extensive knowledge in specific areas of reconstructive surgery, surgical equipment, and will have extensive experience in that area. There is no such thing as a reconstructive surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. Every reconstructive surgeon is a specialist in some specific area of the body’s reconstructive surgery. The determining factor is what area of the body the doctor is working on.

Step 3:

Ointing authority

Ministers of trust and truthfulness will determine if a surgeon is qualified to perform a particular procedure. While many medical personals are neutral on the technique of surgeonsenew of hygiencetreatment available, there are some positions; like those of a gynecologist, anesthesiologist, or nurse practitioner, that do not abstain from weighing the pros and cons of each method in light of the patient’s desired outcome. Even a doctor who has had been a certified resident of a hospital board may not be a licensed physician with the necessary training required to perform certain procedures.

Step 4:

Cost and responsibility

Professional responsibility in the conduct of reconstructive surgery extends to the level of the patient. Even though a gift of life is one of the ultimate good things for a person, a gift of money is an even better gesture. To insure the patient’s interests, the surgeon should take reasonable steps to attend to them personally and set up a plan of action regarding postoperative care for the patient. Patients want to come back as soon as possible and are usually willing to invest close to $1000 for the privilege of having their surgery(s) taken care of by a so called professional.

Step 5:

�� absorbed into the patient’s body

An eyebrow lift removes fat that surrounds the tissue that shapes the face. While the area above the eyes is shaped by fat deposits, the tissue around the eyes shapes the skin around the eyes. When the tissue around the eyes is removed, the skin pulls up creating a round or oval wrinkled effect similar to that of someone who has had a large waist circumference and then slimmed over the years.

Plastic surgeons who have had specialized training in plastic surgery, now have the knowledge and skills needed in performing the many plastic surgery procedures designed to address the particular concerns that are arising in every patient’s life, and not just on the face. Each patient is unique, and a plastic surgeon should make every efforts to meet with and listen to the patient to determine exactly what the patient is looking for and what end result the patient is seeking.

three women holding scissors and brush
Is Your Cosmetic Surgeon Certified By The American Board Of Plastic Surgery?
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