Keeping Your Skin Healthy Do’s And Don’ts

The skin is the body’s largest organ, wrapped in a delicate outer layer that protects us from the elements, injury, disease and infection. As we age, our skin does, too, lose its elasticity and firmness and the number of wrinkles grows, seemingly endlessly.

With so many options for skin care and make-up, deciding what’s best for us can be confusing. We’ve all the trendsy colors, from the perfect shade of pastel to the neon-red we’ve all seen a hundred times. Choosing an Effective Skin Care Plan has to be individualized to each person’s skin type, goals and personal preferences. But there are five basic skin care rules universal to most skin care systems:

white snow on brown wooden log

1.Nourish Your Skin From Within

Your skin caries the first rule of aging. Use a nutrient-rich diet to feed your skin. Many nutrients are already rich in fruits and vegetables, but a few require special attention when applied topically. Some foods may cause certain types of skin conditions to appear, so be careful not to take too much vitamin A or drink too much water. Some nutrients, such as those that strengthen blood vessels, may be particularly potent in intensify facial redness or wrinkling.

Fruits and vegetables contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that improve not just your skin’s texture but also keep your immune system healthy and flush out toxins. Eliminate processed foods, dairy products, alcohol, caffeine and smoking. And pigorously exercise the rest of the way. Plenty of physical activity is helpful for a healthy body, too.

2.Love your skin.

Your skin is also in trouble. Its protective outer layer can start to thin over time, making your skin look thinner. When this happens, you will notice that your skin will have fewer sweat glands, less oil glands and less sebum production. Fewer glands make for less lubrication for your sensitive skin. You will know your skin is becoming thinner and more transparent as your skin gets thinner and more transparent, and this is when you will spot fine lines, wrinkles or hypo vascular areas.

3.Avoid Chemicals.

Skin problems will often be promoted by quite simply pointing to the availability of chemicals in an object/flavored object. “Loopholes” abound in citrus fruits for example. We’ve heard about lemon’s ability to lighten and brighten skin. Soon after, aging will appear, and though vitamin C is on the waste list, we’ve all heard about the great bleaching power of lemon. Today, rooms full of shelf space are dedicated to the fight against aging. And we’re still using lemon? Bleaching agents of lemon juice can be easily purchased in many drug and cosmetics stores.

4.Always eat organic food.

Your skin is also strengthened and rejuvenated when you eat food that’s grown from organic seeds, grains and vegetables. reacted properly with enzymes found in these foods to create substances that will rejuvenate your skin. Vitamin C is also produced in larger quantities when you eat organic.

5.Use lemon juice to clean.

There’s no need to buy fancy lotions. You can easily make your own lemon juice gently, and use it to clean the body, or even to bleach your skin. One time, when you’re fresh out of the shower, sitting at the basin and Juiceromancing in the tub, you can use lemon juice to clean those Mud baths. Or, you can save this water to use instead of bleach for your next bath. This will protect your skin and save you some money, too.

6.Apply lemon juice to your face.

Lemon juice can be used to tone and tighten the skin on your face and helps to remove wrinkles. From the time you can grasp a lemon, squeeze it in your hand. From the tips of your fingers, stretch the lemon juice to your face. Use your fingers like you’ve always used them, in a gentle massage, stretching to your eyes, forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. When you’re done, with a smile, breathe deeply for a few moments and rinse.

7.Sage leaves are great for a facial.

And you don’t have to spend a lot of money on them, either. About a cup of dried sage leaves steeped in a cup of hot water for a gentle exfoliation and toning of the skin are enough for this.

8.Use mayonnaise.

It’s a plant, so there’s no need to worry about the chemicals. Place a cup of mayonnaise in the fridge or freezer for about twenty minutes. Then remove it, leave it to thicken and set, and use it as a dressing for your face.

9.Baking soda can help eliminate oily skin.

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Keeping Your Skin Healthy Do’s And Don’ts
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