Keeping Your Think Skin Healthy

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Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It helps to keep the good parts in and the bad elements out. It also prevents illness, regulates your body temperature, protects your nervous system, plays a role in producing your own healthy cells, and stimulates your immune system. It is extremely important for your skin to stay healthy, as external factors like cold, wind, sun exposure, and air pollution can damage your skin. Many of the benefits of having healthy skin with a wonderfully radiant complexion extend far beyond looking good.

But as you age, your skin cells start to die off. This causes your skin to lose that radiant shine and to have that sagging, wrinkled look that many people have as they age. It also causes wrinkles, fine lines, and crows feet. But thanks to modern science, there are many ways for you to keep your skin healthy, such as the array of anti aging skin care products that are now available.

Many of these products are designed for men, but women are coming to realize that their aging skin is often as damaging to them as it is to men. The typical man’s skin is oily, but women’s skin is commonly dry. And women have fewer oil glands, which means they have to cleanse more often.

For this reason, many beauty companies are designing good-quality cleansers specifically for women. There are lip balms, scrubs, lotions, and body soaps. You’ll also find that these products are more likely to contain substances that are better for your skin.

A good example of this is Prohot Black Soap, which is fully kinky, handcrafted from natural ingredients. The company says that the tradition of making black soap for women started in Dominica, and that it continues to the present.

The ingredients include coconut oil, palm oil, incense, and medicinal herbs. It has been widely accepted for years that palm oil and incense play important roles in a healthy digestive system, and that a healthy body and life increases longevity.

The company also claims that their soaps make your skin naturally oily, and remove the dead skin cells that form the very top of your skin.

This soap is a dark brown in color, and is quite absorbent, so it will easily fit into any container of shower gel or bubble bath.

It also leaves your skin feeling cool and invigorated, and is a good way to end a hard day. It also may help to relieve the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism, as well as aiding with gout.

Here are a couple of recipes for black soap from around the web:

The first recipe is fairly straightforward, using mostly regular ingredients.

It’s very easy to make, using a very simple technique.

All you need is 10 cups of water, and five tablespoons of either tallow or tall gel. You can find liquid tallow in a health food store. And if you feel like being a little adventurous, you can add a fourth ingredient for an added “czinkle”, which is a type of vegetable fat.

Add the ingredients to the water, stirring well to mix well.  boils for about twenty minutes, drain off and set aside.

You can use this bath for a very simple detoxing experience.  Just add some Epsom salts in the bath, and experience a very refreshing and invigorating bath, feeling refreshed and cleansed.

Another wonderfully “un-frizz” recipe for bath time is a very old recipe.  It’s based on a commonly made potato bath.

It’s a straightforward process.  Wash a potato, mash it up, and add a couple of tablespoon of either apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to the potato.  Mix together, and heat gently over stove until it is a deep amber color.

Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.  Add two cups of either cream or milk, and mix together to create a creamy emulsion.  Apply to your skin, and be sure to get in between your fingers so it doesn’t form lumps.

You can also store this mixture in an airtight container, and just use it as you need it.  It’s perfect for a day at the beach or for a night on the town, and leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth.

If you don’t like the smell of vinegar, you can also add a few drops of citrus essential oil in the water to mask it.  Just pay attention to how it develops.  As it warms up, you may smell like you’re in heaven.

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Keeping Your Think Skin Healthy
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