Lip Augmentation – The Raw Facts

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Lip augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Last year, approximately 264,000 people underwent lip-plumping surgery. With fuller lips one can create a more youthful, vibrant look. This is primarily achieved through injections and grafting.

Injections: using small needles, the lip is filled with a soft substance to create a fuller appearance. The most widely used substance is collagen, which is found in cow skin. Although purified, collagen can cause allergic reactions in some patients.

Avoid collagen filled injections if you are known to be allergic to it. Another product used extensively in injections is gold gel. When injected into the skin, gold gel temporarily paralyzes the facial muscles it is injected in order to give the illusion of a fuller mouth.

There are several different types of filler available on the market. Some are synthetic, some are derived from animal tissues, and others are made from a human tissue. All are used for the specific effect they create- whether to plump the lips, fill in thin lips, or to create a fuller appearance. As with everything, there is no reason why any one type of filler should be used for all the wrong reasons.

For example, collagen taken from cows is often used because it is cheaper than using human tissue. Unfortunately, some people are allergic to it. If you have tried collagen and have had adverse results, then you may want to consider alternatives.

Baby oil, when applied regularly to the lips, can actually promote the growth of new collagen. It is also thought to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Although it is a safe, natural product, you should be careful that it is notChanneled into the eyes.

Plastic surgeons rarely ever turn down such treatments, but if you have a serious condition or you are near to death, it is best to find an alternative way to fill the lip rather than rely on injections.

There is also a non-surgical option for filling out the lips. Hair which grows along the lips is split and the two separated ends are inserted into the lips. The procedure is painless, but once the hair has been located and removed, you may feel some discomfort associated with the procedure.

There is also a lip plumping cream on the market which stimulates collagen in the lips. One needs to evaluate the different products before they are able to choose which will work best for them. Generally, the better results are seen when aredd tohip oil, menthol, and cinnamon are used in conjunction with the lip plumping cream. Most users do see a difference in the size of the lips after using the combination.

If you are looking for a non-surgical option for filling out your lips, you may want to consider the Revitol lip plumper. This item is a topical cream that is applied directly to the lips. It works by stimulating the blood flow to the lips. This gives the appearance of fuller lips. The speed at which the blood flows is faster, and it causes some discomfort. One should watch for a developing swelling around the lips for about 2-3 days. There is a similar product that is applied to the lips that gets rid of fine lines and wrinkles. One of the things that you should know about these products is that they are “cross-linked” so that they will cause a reaction, therefore, dilution is necessary.

Revitol also has a product called Juvederm XC that is similar to the product XC, but not identical. There is a price difference of $100 to $350, so make sure that you compare the products before you decide on a purchase.

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Gingry eyes

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Chemicals penetration into the skin

Diminishes collagen production

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Food allergies

Once you get the treatment, you no longer have to worry about all those issues, as the treatment forascular flaws is a real breakthrough in cosmetics. The exciting part of the procedure is that it is a non-surgical procedure, and therefore, there is no long-term commitment.

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Lip Augmentation – The Raw Facts
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