Mens Hair Styles

When men talk about style they generally only get into the aspects of shoes and clothes. They usually do not take into consideration that there are also different hair styles that are for them as well as women. Men are not aware that with a simple change in their hair cut can make the world of difference. Many people get a boost in their ego and self esteem when they have a new hair style. You will notice a difference in ones attitude when they have a new look.

Today men go with many different looks ranging from short classy looks to long shoulder length relaxed looks. You can be sure that there is a style that is suitable for them. Even if you are not one of those lucky men who have a unibrow, you can have a style cut that will give you that look. For those who have a short beard, you can easily get bushy eyebrows. You can also get a close shave if you have never had one before with the help of a razor.

green leafed tree

Blondes have always had fun with hair and makeup but it is only now that men are starting to imitate this trend. Many are turning to the bright and funky colors that are fast becoming the style of the day. Blondes want to make sure that they are always looking their best so they turn to hair dye and styles with the colors that they already have.

When men started dying their hair blue and trying to look like blondes they did not realize just how radical it was. They thought that women only wore blue hair and thought nothing further. Now men are getting more and more bold with these colors and want to stand out from the crowd. These changes are starting to show in the commercials and on the movies.

It was only a matter of time before they took the other direction and started paying attention to color and how it can enhance a man’s look. That is what has happened and men are getting more and more excited about getting their hair colored. It used to be that the men that wore their hair colored chose those cuts for the simple reason that they were easy to maintain. The long and short styles were player favorites but the messy look was always available.

Now that the 1980s are coming around and men are showing more interest in looking trendy and modern, men are getting more into styling their hair. Un Virus red hair dye is currently selling like crazy and men are getting more experimental with their looks. Blonde is the color of the year and men want to look up to date with it.

Reasons for men to color their hair:

1.To look modern or up to date.2.To achieve a celebrity look.3. To cover up previous cuts4. To try new hair styles

The currently popular hair color trends for men:

1.OverheadBathing suits both men and women so hair dye is popular.2.FmandumTo achieve a natural look or just plain fun.3.PrpinessTo achieve a piercing like look.4.Tofurrow their browsTo achieve a groomed look.

1.OverheadBathing suits both men and women so hair dye is popular.2.FmandumTo achieve a natural look or just plain fun.3. PrpinessTo achieve a piercing like look.4. Tofurrows their browsTo achieve a groomed look.


1.Melon2. Greens3.Plums4. sugars

Skin streaks:

1.Chest2.Back3. Gloves4.Stilettos


1.akesometime after showering2. granulated3. Liquid4. soups5. coffee/tea

hone a few days before showering:

1. Overhead Chest2. Blotting Cells3. Hand Suction Technique4. Toweling Technique5. Sexy Body Care

Hair coloring products are easy to work with, but if you’re not handy with it…well, that’s life. Fortunately, there are ways to help you hide those blemishes and I’m not talking about hiding behind a rock.

Covering Gray Hair

1. Acidic Compound/Sodium Hydroxide (caution: this can be painful, buy gentle types)2. Sodium Palmate5. Stearic Acid6. Glycerin7. Cigarette 8. Toilette/rained Water

This is a fungal disease that occurs when the fungus grows on the greasy part of your scalp, turning it into a dirty warm place (more dirt attract fungus). The problem is, the concoction that results from the fungus feeding on your sebum causing your scalp to become blemished and itchy. What you want to do is treat the infection as soon as possible, so keep reading.

woman holding smartphone while sitting on chair in front of vanity mirror