Nail Salon Hygiene – What Nail Artists Don’t Tell While You’re Getting Your Nails Done

I recently came across a fairly disturbing study on nail salon hygiene conducted by Choice magazine.

In this study, a group of lucky nail salon shadow shoppers was asked to visit professional nail salons and report on their hygiene levels. Over 50 nail salons were visited and, according to the study, more than a third of the salons visited were found to be unsatisfactory, with their main complaints being bad hygiene standards, poor customer service and shoddily done manicures. Over half of the nail salons were found to have levels of customer service that were unsatisfactory, and the other half did not measure up to the standards requested. Whilst the study did find a link between trust and customer service, it also investigating the customers of each salon. It’s clear that a few of the most well known and visited nail bars and salons had very low customer retention, and some of the more niche and specialised brands had very high levels of customer feedback. The study also examined the issue of hygiene standards, but there were no reports from the shadow shoppers about whether the nail technicians were properly trained to use high hygiene standards, nor about the salon hygiene standards used by each of the technicians working at each of the nail salons overview.

man and woman standing on gray concrete pavement during daytime

Theetherealbs an extensive list of unsafe working practices including: using lubricants that don’t work well with the nail, using metal nail files that aren’t sterilized, working in conditions that don’t meet hygiene standards, and working without sanitation guidelines in relation to the implements and chemicals they use in their treatments. There are also serious concerns raised about the lack of standardization amongst all the different establishments which means that confusion regarding hygiene standards is occurring amongst all nail technicians. Even nail technicians who were certified and trained by an organisation such as the International Association of Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine or the Estee Lauder Companies were worried about common standards and were concerned that patients were being put at risk.

It’s obvious that many of the issues of hygiene and patient safety are happening at a number of nail salons, and it’s simply not getting better when it comes to customer care, hygiene and sanitation. The worrying part is that it seems most of the nail technicians haven’t been educated about the industry standards, and do not feel able to address the concerns of their customers. The sad part is that it seems the majority of nail technicians have not had any hands on experience in performing cosmetic procedures, and are simply taking each ingredient that is potentially dangerous withesame oil for nails.

Here Are Some Suggestions to Keep Your Nails in Great Shape

If you regularly visit the nail salon, then you need to be aware of the potential exposure of your nails to dangerous chemicals and other toxins. It’s simply not worth it to take the risk, because your feet and your nails are most likely the least bit vulnerable part of your body. So if you’re going to be spending time in a nail salon, then you might as well enjoy the experience and try to keep your nails in good shape!

Consider the hydration levels in your nails before you go to the salon, and make sure they are at their maximum ( although of course it’s never too late, just think of it as preparation for a gorgeous pink finish that will make you look fabulous!).

Ask your friends and family for recommendations and tips. If you find a nail salon that is well recommended by family and friends, then you won’t have to worry about taking your chances on an unsanitary salon!

Clean your nails prior to getting them done, just like you would to anywhere else. Use a base coat and a top coat to ensure the nail’s base is pristine and prevent it from creasing over time.

Nail technician can remove dirt from your nails with an acetone solution which is painted onto your nails. If you’re worried about the health risks of acetone solution, then you can also request for an antimicrobial cup of coffee between the nail treatment and the appointment.

Your feet and heels should be well conditioned and cleaned prior to going to the pedicure. Wear shoes that fit well and if you’re going to be wearing your feet in the same shoe all day, then cover the shoes with nail creams. Wearing your feet in the same shoe all day can lead to dry, cracked and painful feet. The pain should be bearable, but if the cracks and soreness gets too much, you may want to take them off for a while.

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Nail Salon Hygiene – What Nail Artists Don’t Tell While You’re Getting Your Nails Done
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