The Best Of Razor Bumps

woman standing near pink leafed plant

Razor bumps or shaving bumps technically known as Pseudofolliculities barbae could develop on the skin of the face, neck or back. In some cases it has been seen that the problem is occurring in more than one area and sometimes, in more than one part of the body.

Adolescence – Teens that go through puberty experience the first signs of Razor Bumps. Most of the time it is seen that these bumps occur on the face, neck, or in the area of the nape.

How does it happen? In most cases it is seen that the skin is being rubbed or scraped heavily using some sort of blade. This is seen to make the skin more sensitive and it reacts by producing more skin cells, which pile up on the skin or in the creases, thus forming unsightly bumps. It often appears pink, red or purple. In rare cases it may turn into a rash. It is best to lay down in a bath or shower for about 24 hours, as this will Dread, the bumps to disappear.

There is hope. There are plenty of good ways to decrease the appearance of the bumps. For example, there is the hottest beauty regime you can ever use: the moringa plant. For every day treatments, add some crushed moringa leaves to the water in which you take bath or shower. And then each time after that you add some natural face packs to your bath or shower. This remedy, for sure, works beautifully.

The bumps disappear when the moringa fruit is eaten directly. If you can go for fresh moringa fruit, that is also fine. But if you cannot get hold of moringa, consider other alternatives.

Baking. Yes, even the nutritional value of moringa works beautifully on your skin. The beta carotene extracted from moringa carries the skin good. For this reason, you can simply take the leaves and boil them in coconut oil until they are soft and easily extract the oil. Apply the resulting hot oil to your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then simply wash it off.

Fenugreek seeds. Another version of this holy basil is popularly used as a hair tonic. Put a cup of fenugreek seeds in a pot and turn it into a paste with water. Put the resulting paste on your head and leave it on for one hour. Then wash it off and bald a fur.

Sage. If you want your hair to grow faster and to also add a glossy look to your locks, put a cup of fresh sage leaves in a pot. Cover your head with it and boil for about 30 minutes until the sage leaves turn white. While burning the sage, make a paste of the leaves and apply it to your hair. Leave it on for one hour. Mix the ashes with water and put it on a hair quart container. Apply the mixture to the scalp and leave it on for ten minutes. Wash it off.

For a portable hot oil hair treatment, you can also add a tablespoon of castor oil in addition to the jojoba oil. Apply the mixture in the roots of your hair for fifteen minutes. Wash it off with shampoo and then rinse your hair.

The oil and the base oils can be used at the same time, together with the henna extract and the fruit acid. To do this, simply combine one or two oils and then add one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to it.

Leave the mixture on your hair for as long as you like – the longer you leave it on your hair, the shinier it will become.

Spirulina. This is one of the best herbs you can find for making hair shiny. Simply take two tablespoons of Spirulina and place it in a pot with two cups of water. Boil it, then pull the pot off and let it cool down. After that, take two tablespoon of lime and add to the boiling water. Let this mixture cool down and place in a spray bottle. Then, apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it on for about fifteen minutes.

After doing so, shampoo and also condition your hair – and, do not use conditioner.

Combine one beaten egg with half a cup of water and shampoo. Towel dry your hair and style it as you usually do.

Instead of shampooing it, you can also get the benefit of aloe vera by using it as a hair shampoo.

The following recipe is what you can call a modern, balanced mixture. It also contains asparagus, carrots, green pepper, broccoli and so on. Prepare it according to your taste and according to your hair’s condition.

green leafed plant
The Best Of Razor Bumps
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