The Picosecond Facelift: Wheat Germ Oil As A Facial Cream?

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Today’s safe, high-tech cosmetic ultrasound machines have increased in power and are now capable of giving even the most difficult of facelifts. But for those of us who don’t want to shell out tons of money for an expensive facelift, why not try a different option that has been proven to work well – that old standby: wheat germ oil.

For those of us who don’t know, the Picosecond facelift is a rejuvenating skin treatment that uses wheat germ oil to tighten skin and renew collagen, a substance naturally produced by the body to help it retain elasticity. Like many good things that nature has made, it has also served its creator well.

Where does wheat germ oil come from? It comes from the hardy little plant called wheat, which experts trace back to a family of giants that includes rice and wheat. Unlike rice and other Asian cereals, wheat does not require insecticides or herbicides to grow. As an artificial food, it does not require any pesticides to be applied to it, which makes it an ideal replacement for genetically modified foods.

Here’s how it works. The nutrients in wheat germ oil – vitamins, minerals and amino acids – fortify the body’s own supply of nutrients and shield it from illness or nutritional deficiency. The oil also stimulates micro-vascular skin function and the production of collagen, a material that the body stores in the skin for elasticity.

This essentially provides a safe and inexpensive way to rejuvenate the skin and the body, and reduce the aging process. Unlike some other topical creams, it does not result in a greasy feeling or appear oily on the skin.

Because it is a natural source of nutrients, it helps the body fight off infections and disease. It has also been proven to be helpful to the skin remain moist for longer and to lick much easier.

Here’s a handy list of foods that will make your skin glow.

ApricotsContaining high levels of vitamins A and E, this fruit contains antioxidants that can help rejuvenate the skin and keep it from drying out, jut as an added bonus. The seeds in the middle are sturdier and have a proven hydrating effect on the skin and can also act as a natural sunscreen.

NutsSeed oils are widely used in aromatherapy to reduce fatigue and increase relaxation. Almond, walnut and olive oil are just a few of the many therapeutic oils available.

Green TeaAre you a fan of green tea? It contains high levels of caffeine and other powerful antioxidants that can work wonders for your skin care and beautifying needs. It has been shown to reduce dark spots and promote tissue growth that makes it a great scrapper for getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines.

Red WineThere’s a reason red wine is so incredibly therapeutic. It contains bioflavonoids and polyphenols that can leave skin looking younger and more healthy. It has been shown to also help protect skin cells from dying, as well as prevent hangover headaches.

ProteinSharding off wrinkles and repairing damaged skin are proteins’ main jobs. As skin ages, the amount of protein in the dermis decreases, which can cause wrinkles and sagging. Proteins are also needed to renew elastin and collagen, which are the fibers that give skin its strength and elasticity. Without these proteins, skin becomes fragile and easily damaged.

VitaminsYou can’t say you’re not getting any vitamins from your daily diet. Vitamins A, C and E are must-haves to healthy skin, as are zinc and iron. The advantage of having a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables is that it will give you your daily dose of vitamins.

The trick is to get the right balance of vitamins that will help you achieve your desired skin look. For example, if you’re an Asian, you’ll want to add more iron and vitamin E to your diet than you would if you were a European.

The bottom line? There is no magic pill that will suddenly make you look twenty years younger. But there are many things you can do to enjoy a fitness and skin clinic as close to home as possible. Maybe it’s a good idea to look into permanent cosmetics to give yourself an attractive and younger look!

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The Picosecond Facelift: Wheat Germ Oil As A Facial Cream?
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