The Urban Decay Primer Potion – A Need For Something To Do In Between Your “Normal” Things

Wouldn’t it be great if you could always go to bed and wake up like morning break? Sure you’d look flawless and wonderful, but wouldn’t it be nice to wake up and look like an entirely different person? Easy, now we have the answer. A primer called Urban Decay Primer Potion. Okay, it sounds slightly too good to be true, but trust me on this one, it is true.

I see that the best primer available is Urban Decay Primer Potion. Okay, how great is it? It is a mineral make up powder foundation that applies like a foundation, only you haveunning eyesightand Urban Decay Primer Potion willacolor your eyelids and toes. You won’t need to blend it in, and since it is a mineral powder, it won’t ever crack or cake. It will provide you with a smooth flawless look that you never knew you could achieve.

Versace fragrance bottle with box

SinceUrban Decay Primer Potiononly costs $24.00, you’ll be able to attain this amazing product without a lot of stress. Plus, with deals like these, why not sleep better? You’ll be slumbering, and unaware of the woes keeping you from sleeping well when you should be enjoying the slumber all night long. Isn’t it time you did something for yourself? Okay, do you want to look like a million bucks, or like your always seems to beColor?”

Since you now have a primer that will color your face and save you time, isn’t it time to see what else you can do to take care of this beautiful face you’ve been blessed with? Hey, maybe you just want to do something nice for yourself. Whatever the reason, this primer is something you should not pass up. If you haven’t already picked it up, you seriously should take a chance and go to the local cosmetic counter and pick up one of these kits so you can have an excuse for showing off your new look! Now, you have nothing to worry about, I’m just going to tell you how to apply it.

Simply apply the primer to your face and neck like always. Then you should choose one of the following eye colors: Hazel, filed and taupe, light brown, medium brown and dark brown. For the eyebrows, you should choose brown and green. For mascara, you should choose black. These colors should complement your skin tone. If you have never used a primer before, it is advisable to start with a natural, tinted moisturizer. Apply this evenly over your entire face and neck. Let the moisturizer become absorbed before applying your eyeshadow and/or blusher.

You are using the product as you would a moisturizer. So, the first rule of thumb is to use less. I know it can be tempting to papmage your face with more product, but the more you use, the more you will experience a Queen Regnant look courtesy of the Urban Decay Primer Potion. Therefore, use sparingly and sparingly only as a necessity. It is best to apply the product evenly. Then seal that job up with a good powder or blotting press. Lastly, keep that lid stuffrette pretty because it can make a whole lot of difference. If you have oily skin, but don’t want to wash your face too many times, you should pat on a little primer over that amazing foundation. Blend, blend, blend that stuff in until it looks natural, not like you just sneaked in a tube of pigment.

Only one rule of makeup design when it comes to the Urban Decay Primer Potion is to never overdo it. When you use this product, you are creating a subdued sophisticated look. When you use it too much, you will walk out with that cakey mess that drags down your perfect smile. Nuanced makeup brushes and sponges are really the only thing you need to get that look. Also, there is no need to have more than three shadows using this product. Grow, grow, grow. Your makeup should never be more than three shades deep to get that dramatic eyes you want. If you are a beginner, remember to start light and apply the first color in a light sweep. Then apply the medium color in a medium sweep and finally apply the darkest shade in a deep sweep. Keep in mind the goal here is to have a soft look. If you want vibrant eyes, choose colors that will draw attention to the eyes and not colors that will compete with them.

Also, know that a little goes a long way.

pink flower in tilt shift lens
The Urban Decay Primer Potion – A Need For Something To Do In Between Your “Normal” Things
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