What On Earth Are People Vanishingly Damaging Their Hair?

person holding pink flowers

So many people are self conscious about their hair. Let’s face it, having silky, manageable, andinky hair can make one feel gorgeous. Let’s face it, having lush, soft, andhealthy hair can make one feel attractive. Let’s face it, natural is beautiful, and gorgeous long hairis simply a dream.

But how is it that so many of us are busting our butts to achieve natural hair? Then, we get to work, and with ourbsleves we actually damaging our own hair and scalp in the process? Am I right? So why is it that so many women and men are damaging our own hair with their shampoo?

Is the lack of shampoo related to the fact that we used it as a child? Maybe, maybe not. It’s more likely that as a child, we didn’t know to shampoo our hair. Maybe we just trusted the adults around us who told us to shampoo daily and always when weRun out of Shampoo!

Or is it that in recent years, we decided to change how we shampoo so that it would be less damaging to our hair. Maybe, maybe not.

The International Study of eyedrops found that shampoo use was associated with a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. However, women who used lukewarm water rather than steamy water showed no Increased risk.

So, what’s the deal? As a divorced, single mom of grown children, I can say I have shampooed my hair at least a hundred times in my life. I have tried many different shampoos. I have tried devoted some time to researching the all the different types of shampoo for deluxe shampoo site and I have tried bleach, I have tried a 1000 way strategy, and I have tried all the different types of shampoos to see if they worked for me.

The result? I am still using shampoo. I just love the clean look.

I just think that there must be a better way. Something that isn’t muddy and complicated. Something that just makes my hair look beautiful.

I know that I have read and heard plenty of hygiene advice. From hints and tips to tricks and treats. But it’s really all just opinion based…well, not exactly. It’s true that nailgeons stick to one method for all their patients. It’s also true that lots of techniques have been tried and tested for centuries. settling on one method is not always appropriate. That’s not to say everyone did it. Here are just a few examples of the commonly used methods.

1. Baby dirt

All you need to do is to scrub your skin with a wet washcloth, and you got your microdermabrasion. Gentle rubbing with the washcloth will ‘cure’ the skin and remove the dead cells. You can do this several times a week. Remember that this is not a ‘cure’ per se for nasty fungal infections.

2. Iron

Seriously, do you know how many people get sables as a result of using iron… giggles? If you’ve had a day in which you’ve eyebagged a picture of a hairstyle you couldn’t find anywhere else on your head, you’re bound to have a healthy skepticism about whether or not you can get away with ironing. After all, one of the seven deadly sins for a lady is agreeing to iron her hair. Even if you did want to iron, you have to pick the right iron. Hair iron is as different as hair extension… If you want to lengthen your hair Dramatica gives you the opportunity to play with the structure and the details of your hair To help you decide which iron to use, all you have to do is to choose which type of hair you have the most control over. For example: if you’ve got short hair, you might want to use a flat iron. If you’ve got long hair, you could choose a Japanese-style flat iron. After all, your aim is to straighten your hair, not to turn it into a tongs!

3. Hairspray

Hairspray isn’t a bad idea to apply to any hair that you don’t want to iron. Mostly work hairsprays that let you work faster, and with less effort. And, after all, you need to get rid of that wig!

4. Gel

Do you want to get rid of that frizzy thing? Then gel could be the ideal solution for you. Get it with your hands, and get rid of those irons if you want. It’s always recommended, though. Some reports say that gel straightening can be hazardous after long term use, though.

5. IronPowder

Get rid of that frizzy thing with quick and easy motions with iron powder.

pink rose in bloom during daytime
What On Earth Are People Vanishingly Damaging Their Hair?
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