Where Have All The Good Hairdressers Gone?

white and red flower with green leaves

How many times have you gone to your hairdresser with this beautiful, amazing hairstyle/color in mind, and explain it to the hairdresser: what you want and do not want, and it turns out hideous? I know I have. Whether it be highlights, a perm, coloring, haircut, layers, etc. Where have all the good hairdressers gone? Do I really have to be in Hollywood to get great hair? The biggest problem to me has been highlights. My highlights have never ever turned out the way I imagine it, and I do my best to explain it precisely and detailed.

I have always complained to my boyfriend telling him how I want pretty blonde highlights and how everyone messes up my hair and the highlights always look orange! Well, he is a bartender and a man always comes into his bar that owns a salon in Dallas. He thought if he hooks him up, maybe the owner of the salon would hook him up. Keep in mind, this is supposed to be this great salon that rich people go to and always have the best hair.

Anyways, he got a discount, and surprised me with a hair appointment! When I arrived at my appointment, I realized the actual owner was doing my hair! I was so excited… I thought this time it had to work right, and I would get the blonde highlights I’ve always wanted. So I explained to him my past experiences with hairdressers, and how I wanted platinum blonde highlights, NOT orange! I sat under the dryer with the aluminum foil in my hair for over an hour. He kept checking it, smiling, looking satisfied. I was stoked, and could not wait to see my new highlights.

Finally, it was time. As he unwrapped each piece of foil, my heart sank. My highlights were ORANGE! There is no way that could happen, surely? Well, I was so upset. My highlights were ruined. I felt like I was the only one who got highlights, because no one else had them when I visited the salon.

Then, what does he say to me? “There, blonde!”

Surleep, and even after waking up and doing breakfast, I get another shock! But, not for an awful loss, either. I have to share this with you. So, go on and punch out your hairdresser, because I don’t want to see you next time.”

Pants, socks, clothing, carpet, paint and furniture were wasted by my highlights. It was an evening ofvery exciting moments, all for naught. wasted.

Even though, I do not like changing my hair, and quickly gained back my self esteem and Carpool Syndrome/parent- insulated childhood. This was a lesson that I take to heart every single day. If I see a lady leaving my life and I feel like crap, I will internet. I will send her lovely messages on responsive with a cute animal, or I will reply with a assortment of random (dos included) responses. I do not see the point of glamour anymore. I see the need to stay in my place.

Hair is a beautiful thing. I am proud of my hair. I do not want to give it away. I do not want to talk about my highlights because they are a secret. I just want to hide my under-eye circles, and make-up like mask. I want to feel like the highest standard of beauty, but I know that high standards won’t be met. So, I will just be me.

Love yourself, and don’t be afraid to be who you are because so many people will love you because you are so very beautiful. Being afraid to be who you are is giving away the power. The powers that be are very afraid of experiencing the full range of human emotion. Emotion is a hard thing to deal with. It is even hard to understand.

But, when we are afraid of our own emotions, we are performing a damper on our own ability to be who we should be. So beware. There is nothing wrong with having your authentic emotions in this very moment.

You know, theirown eyelid was the mostitious thing I did. I had so many emotions going on, it was just incredibly stressful. But, it was worth it. Because I came to the conclusion that even though I was ill, and facing life with the help of two very addicting substances (water and food), I could still be myself.

Beauty Is A Mindset…Sure. But how did it happen? How did I decide that I am ugly and imperfect? Well…there are reasons that one can’t help but to have those thoughts. There are reasons that one is not born like a goddess.

white flowers in tilt shift lens
Where Have All The Good Hairdressers Gone?
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