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Color And The Benefits Of Wearing Perfume
When you smell, you experience it and it emanates through the air. It’s invigorating and it just
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How To Safely Dye Your Hair Red At Home
There are some tips to dyeing your hair at home, when you are aware of the consequences, and when you
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To Transition Or Not To Transition?
Transitioning to natural hair was exciting and scary for me. I didn’t know how it would impact
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How To Regrow Over Tweezed Eyebrows
Guilty of being an over-tweezer. I walked into my manicurist about a week ago to complain about the scabs
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Hair Extension Maintenance – A Valuable Guide To Keep Hair Extensions Looking Their Best
Many of our hair style dreams come true when we reach the age of 40. The majority of women will choose
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Lashing Out – The Latest Way To Look Like A Style Goddess At A Party
So, you are visiting one of the most important parties of your life. An event like a wedding or an anniversary
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Where Have All The Good Hairdressers Gone?
How many times have you gone to your hairdresser with this beautiful, amazing hairstyle/color in mind
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Top 5 Winds Of Fall
Fall is a fabulous time of the year. As the weather changes your look and wardrobe should change also.
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Icons Hairstyles Setting Cultural Trends
Hairstyles of the Rich and Famous do not only serve to be their identity signatures. These may also signal
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The Deluxe Hair Flat Iron
There’s nothing that makes a woman more feminine than a great hairstyle. The right hair style can
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The IFD And Stylist
Fashion is what we all love, some would dare say they are ‘born with the ability to transcend’
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Bridal Makeup Tips To Be A Beautiful Bride
You’ve got the dress, the shoes and accessories, you’ve finally sorted your bridesmaids and
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What Are We Telling Young Women?
I first came across Lisa when she was in myresso, Italy. She wasiation ataviglieraleganning the Simplicity
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Hair Extensions Are Easy To Find On The Web, Just Be Sure To Do Some Research Before You Buy Any
Having beautiful long flowing hair is something a lot of people want, at one time or another.
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Mens Hair Styles
When men talk about style they generally only get into the aspects of shoes and clothes. They usually
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Your Nose Knows
When I spritz perfume on my body I have an instant reaction to its scent and for a split second it transports