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Nail Salon Hygiene – What Nail Artists Don’t Tell While You’re Getting Your Nails Done
I recently came across a fairly disturbing study on nail salon hygiene conducted by Choice magazine.
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Thrifty Beauty – Learn To Save Money On Everyday Beauty And Skin Care
Learning to live thrifty and frugal has been my goal for years.  I look for ways to save on everyday items.
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Weorganized Manicure Guide – Organizing Your Nail Salon Décor
We organize our closets and office chairs in order to keep everything organized, and to make sure everything
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The Best Self Tanning Lotion Around
Doing self tanning can be aasionening process. But that is not the real issue. The issue is mostly how
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I Need To Much Makeup To Reduce The Appearance Of Wrinkles
Lots of women feel they look younger with a little makeup on. Then each year after another new reason
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The Most Beautiful Woman Beauty Products Ever
This is a personal opinion that I have.  Another woman might agree with me, or might agree with someone else.
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I Think You Should Have UV Gel Nail Polish
If you’ve never had an UVA or UV gel nail polish you might be interested in trying one.
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When To Start Home Microdermabrasion Routines
There are so many microdermabrasion kits on the market today it is difficult to know which product is
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The Best Gift For Mother’s Day – Classic Volumes By Amy Tan
With all the different variables in life, it’s so easy to take yourself back to the spa when you