What You Need To Know About IPL Laser Hair Removal

Millions of people in the United States suffer from excess hair, but it is by no means a comfortable task. Waxing, shaving, and using depilatory creams is not nearly as effective as IPL or some other type of laser hair removal. Why? Much has been written about laser hair removal, and the pros and cons of the procedure. With this knowledge, it is important to seek out the most effective treatment for your specific needs.

Laser hair removal is executed in a spa or clinic setting, and the costs differ according to the geographical location of a client.

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How does IPL work?Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments use only light that is absorbed by pigment in the hair shaft and not by the flesh surrounding the hair shaft. IPL hair removal actually removes hair from the shaft and not the surrounding skin, so the procedure is different than electrolysis. IPL is approved by the FDA for skin hair removal.

What are the benefits?Many patients have experienced temporary redness, tingling, or irritation following treatments with Intense Pulsed Light. In comparison, waxing, tweezing, and shaving have been associated with varying degrees of skin irritation or stinging. Patients often experience a lengthened healing period after waxing or long-term scab formation with shaving. IPL is far less painful than these Replaceable Methods.

Is IPL effective in permanent hair reduction?While various research works are currently being conducted, to generalize, there have been preliminary findings that IPL may be effective in permanent hair reduction. Though more research is needed to definitively determine this, there is a current belief that IPL is a viable option for hair removal. Further, there remains possibility that IPL treatment can stimulate regrowth of hair that has previously been lost through hormonal or genetic factors.

Is IPL price competitive with other methods?IPL is substantially less than laser hair removal, which is widely seen as more of a long-term investment. IPL is able to target unwanted hair due to its well-defined shape, which prevents the spread of the light along the entire hair shaft. IPL has the ability to disable the follicle, reducing hair growth. IPL treatment requires more sessions than laser hair removal, leading to potential side effects of redness and swelling.

Over the course of treatment, IPL can achieve a high level of effectiveness that laser treatment alone cannot achieve. IPL is effective on new hairs as well as existing hairs, and most people see a difference in hair growth before the treatment is complete.

It is likely to be important to seek more than one IPL treatment to achieve the desired results. IPL is a process that must be repeated on a regular basis to maintain effectiveness. Most professionals agree that IPL is a procedure best used at least twice a year.

What are the potential risks?There are certain precautions that should be taken before undergoing IPL for hair removal. Men Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not undergo IPL. Any person who plans to use IPL in anyway, as well as those who wear contact lenses may not be eligible for IPL.

There are certain issues that may cause complications. Rosacea, spider or heel lumps, hairs regrowth or abrasion should be evaluated before undergoing IPL. Since IPL is a laser, the safety of the patient and the operator must be maintained at all times.

What happens during treatment?

The procedure involves the use of a laser to remove the unwanted hair and stop the follicle from growing.

How long will laser hair removal treatments take?

The time involved varies depending on the area of the body from which the hair is to be removed.

What is the cost for laser hair removal?

The cost will vary based on the reputation of the physician performing the procedure and the extent of the area to be treated.

Every person will require multiple treatments to kill the hair follicle. How many treatments needed depends on the coarseness of the hair, the body part involved, the number of repeat procedures required and the sort of IPL system used.

Overuse of IPL can harm the skin. In rare cases, blisters or infection may occur.

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What You Need To Know About IPL Laser Hair Removal
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